Accountability Tracker


Change happens when you stop making excuses and make a plan. Without a plan, you’ll repeat the same junk that keeps you stuck.

Achieving sexual purity, free from pornography or whatever sexual stronghold you battle, doesn’t have to be this far-off, hard-to-reach goal that feels next to impossible. First, you need a solid plan to help you identify the potential pitfalls and a method to hold you accountable.

The Accountability Tracker is a vital tool for your success on the road to freedom and restoration.



Frequently bought together

Bundle price: $34.00

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Frequently asked questions

What is Soul Refiner?

Where can I watch?

How much does Soul Refiner cost?

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

Can we purchase just one class?

Will I get access to the other classes?

What’s the fine print?